Sunday, June 10, 2012

News update on Acuan's kelong

Because there are so many inquiries on fishing trip at Acuan's kelong, I hereby sincerely apologize for the late update. Due to typhoon, which had tore aparts the kelong, there won't be any trip on this kelong anymore. I will update on a better kelong with accommodation and fishing package on Akau's resort. Once again, I sincerely apologize for this late update. Dikarenakan kelong Acuan hancur diterjang angin topan, semua paket Tour ke kelong Acuan ditiadakan lagi. Maaf untuk update yang sedikit terlambat...saya akan mengupdate paket Tour baru ke kelong yang lebih bagus yang dikelola oleh Pak Akau. Tunggu update kami...