Water condition was also not that desireable. These few days, current is moving very strong as in river. It's impossible to squid after 9PM. Nothing to do, and curious about the new branded egi performance, I drove to KTM and arrived at 6PM. Water is very clear and calm. Signs of fishes swimming under my 500Watt halogen lamp. My first try was the Yamashita Egi natural color series, blue color. The color of this particular egi is quite dark. And I reckon it's more suitable for fishing at day time. Movements are perfect. It zips fast and sharp like live prawns. Color is very natural and flashes like fish scales. Played with it for quite some time and at last, first strike. Quite big with weight around 600gr. After photo was taken, it's an hour of relentless rod jerking before I got my second strike. Smaller but not happier because my arms were getting pretty sore and it's a small reward for me. Although Yamashita natural color is pretty for human eyes, I still think that pink color is still the most favourite color for squid. I saw few squids just pass me by without even turning their head to see my egi. Compared to the 1.8 size red-colored Yozuri egi that I usually use.

Next, it was Yozuri Neo Skeleton time for action. My favourite color for egi, pink. Only minutes taken for first bite. Compared to Yamashita natural color, in color wise, Yozuri is better. Although people said that all egis are the same, only the technique of fisher is differ. I don't agree on this. Good techniques have to be boosten up by good arsenal. Good egi can increase strike rate. I once witnessed 5 different egi including my Yozuri egi were all fighting trying to bluff squid to take them. I saw the squid, zig zag all the cheaper egi and come for mine. Only one thing for sure, they must have put some magic lotion in the production. LOL.