Berdua dengan istri setelah habis mengantar anak ke sekolah Balet, kami segera banting setir menuju toko pancing Daiwa di Nagoya untuk membeli rawai Sabiki Hayabusa size 5, karena sehari sebelumnya berhasil mendapatkan selar lumayan banyak di KTM. Hari ini, kamipun bermaksud untuk ngomset selar lagi.
After sending our daughter to her ballet school, both me and my wife straightly went to a fishing shop at Nagoya to shop for few packs of size 5 Hayabusa Sabiki. We were excited by tons of selar we caught a day before. Therefore, we would like to try our luck again today.

Kami tiba dilokasi sekitar jam 5.30 sore. Segera isi tas dibongkar, dan joran dipasang Hayabusa untuk istri dan saya tetap main egi. Setelah mencoba dibeberapa lokasi, akhirnya ditemukan lokasi ngerumpi selar-selar. Tampak si nyonya lagi sibuk melepaskan ikan satu persatu. Pelan-pelan, terkumpul 20an ekor selar hanya dalam waktu kurang dari 15 menit.
Arrived at around 5.3o in the afternoon, I quickly put all the gears together. Sabiki for the missus and egi for me. After trying on a few potential spot, she found the gathering ground for selars. I saw from a distance that she was busy untying the selars from the hook. Slowly but surely, she already caught 20ods selars withing 15 minutes.
Arrived at around 5.3o in the afternoon, I quickly put all the gears together. Sabiki for the missus and egi for me. After trying on a few potential spot, she found the gathering ground for selars. I saw from a distance that she was busy untying the selars from the hook. Slowly but surely, she already caught 20ods selars withing 15 minutes.
busy unhooking selars while counting by heart
Setelah merasa sudah mulai bosan, istri pun beralih profesi jadi tukang nyumi. Rupanya punya bakat juga nih orang. Banyak yang pada boncos, malahan dia yang asyik naikin sotong terus.
Maybe because she was bored, she changed to fish squid instead. I think for a woman angler, she's quite talented in eging. Most of the guys there caught nothing that night, but she was enjoying her strike one by one.

Gua juga gak mau kalah lah. Joran ganti tangan dan setelah mencoba dan mencoba semua teknik yang ada dalam kamus, akhirnya berhasil juga menaikkan sotong semampar abg 2 ekor. Lumayan, gak malu-malu amat lah. Selain itu, gua juga berhasil menaikkan beberapa ekor selar papan dengan sabiki Hayabusa. Yang uniknya, yang nyambar bukan hanya selar, tetapi ada 1 ekor cumi jarum ukuran lumayan malah ikut meramaikan hiasan di rawai. Nasib-nasib....
Don't want to loose face, I took back the fishing rod from her and applied all the techniques I know in my dictionary. And at last, I caught a couple of small size squids. Not to bad, as not to loose to much to her. Felt enough, I tried to fish with sabiki and managed to put around 10 of them to my fishing bucket. Funny thing happened, a squid strike on my sabiki hook...lucky.
Cukuplah sudah untuk lauk besok pagi. Jadi ada sedikit variasi lah. Gak sotong terus.
Enough for tomorrow feast. Some new variation not like the usual all-squid-dinner.

Maybe because she was bored, she changed to fish squid instead. I think for a woman angler, she's quite talented in eging. Most of the guys there caught nothing that night, but she was enjoying her strike one by one.
Don't want to loose face, I took back the fishing rod from her and applied all the techniques I know in my dictionary. And at last, I caught a couple of small size squids. Not to bad, as not to loose to much to her. Felt enough, I tried to fish with sabiki and managed to put around 10 of them to my fishing bucket. Funny thing happened, a squid strike on my sabiki hook...lucky.
Cukuplah sudah untuk lauk besok pagi. Jadi ada sedikit variasi lah. Gak sotong terus.
Enough for tomorrow feast. Some new variation not like the usual all-squid-dinner.
Maaf mau tanya kalau saya mau mancing dengan keluarga di KTM sebelah mana yah dan apa diIzinkan oleh Pengelolanya
KTM letaknya di ujung tanjung pinggir atau sebelah kiri RSOB jalan terus sampai mentok...kemaren masih gratis, mungkin sekarang dikenakan biaya sedikit berupa voucher yang bisa ditukarkan dengan minuman....selamat mancing
nunpang tanya pak..waktu bila mancing selar di KTM yg baik..
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