For those who would like to fish around Batam, here are some information that I gathered from friends at which you can use for contact, boarding place, price and fishing location.
note: Jembatan 6 is the 6th connecting bridge from Batam to Pulau Galang Baru, which is the southest island from Batam, and provide mostly big catch (some with Fish finder).
1. Joe, Jembatan 6, hp. 0819 271 00 999, day Rp.700k, night Rp.800k, cap. 6-8
2. Amri, Punggur, hp. 08566166765, Rp.450k + live prawns 2Kg, cap. 5 max
3. Ahi, Punggur, hp. 0811699005, Rp.3million, fish around Nongsa
4. Atie - Abu, Jembatan 6, hp. 0771-314245 , Rp.1.8million, P.Terong, around P.Abang
5. Bahari, Jembatan 6, hp. 081927158000, Rp.2.5million, around P.Buaya
6. Basir, Jembatan 6, hp. 081927183921
7. Ahiap, Jembatan 6, hp. 08126162594, Rp.800k, around P.Abang
8. Kadir, Jembatan 6, hp. 085264584283
9. Eddy Turi, Nongsa, hp. 081364081565, Rp.400k, around Nongsa, cap. 4 max
10.Amad, Jembatan 2, hp.081364323366, Rp. 300k, cap. 4 max
11.Karim, Jembatan 2, hp. 081316363169, Rp. 300k, cap. 4 max
12.Ponto, Jembatan 6, hp. 0819237604, day Rp.500k, night Rp.700k with live squid baits, around P.Petong, P.Abang, P.Tukil (recommended)
13. Lodeh, Jembatan 1, hp. 081372466209, Rp.400k (nego), Lobam, cap. 4 max
14.Jafar, Jembatan 1, hp. 08126174252, price TBC
15.Acai, hp. 081927006334, Rp. 1.5million, around Cakang
16.Asung, hp. 08556555511, Rp.2million, around Cakang
17. Gofur, hp. 081927120212, Rp.600k, around Petong
18.Johan, hp. 08566613100, Rp.500k, around Nongsa
19.Kadir, hp. 081927007203, Rp.600k, around Petong
20.Kembong, hp. 081364277522, Rp.600k, around Petong
21.Kemis, hp. 087894417741 / 081933644591, Rp.700k, around Tukil and Petong
22.Nasrul, hp. 085668187699, Rp.1million, around Lagoy, Bintan
23.Udin, hp. 081364120165, Rp.500k, around Nongsa
24.Rusli, hp. 085272068845, Rp.500k, around Petong
25.Arsad, Pulau Nguan, hp. 08192646186, Rp.600k-Rp.700k, around P.Petong and P.Abang, cap. 5 (recommended)
26.Kaer, Pulau Nguan, hp. 081927113389, around P.Buaya and Batu Lobang, Rp.2.5million
27.Muhding, Batu Besar, hp. 081364120165, around Lobam-Bintan, with GPS and Fishfinder
28.Johan, Batu Besar, hp. 08566613100, around Lobam-Bintan, with GPS and Fishfinder
29.Brian, Pulau Nguan, hp. 081922622202, around P.Nguan and P. Abang
30.Pak Uli, Jembatan 1, HP. 081372753732, around Batu Gani - Rp.400k, live prawns incl, lobam - Rp.500k, cap. 5
31.Pak Aris, Jembatan 1, HP 081918537038, around Batu Gani - Rp.400k, live prawns incl, lobam - Rp.500k, cap. 5
Monday, May 25, 2009
Fishing Boat Infos in Batam / informasi kapal pancing di Batam
Published :
12:08 PM
Author :
Vincent Ang
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