My fishing trip with some friends from BatamFishing on 29 Mei 2009 at KTM. Various of baits were used that night. From live baits like plata (big eyed selar) and srinding to capella from various brands and sizes, Yo-Zuri, Angler's pal, Morigen and Daido squid jig tiger and others
Dibawah ini peringkat strike dari masing-masing umpan yang digunakan khusus untuk waktu, kondisi dan lokasi tersebut.
Below are strike rate from each baits use on that specified time, condition and location
1. Capella Yo-Zuri - dalam hal jumlah dan tanpa pandang bulu (besar maupun kecil)
1. Yo-Zuri jigs - the best egi in terms of quantity and sizes
2. Live bait ikan plata - pilihan terbaik, cuman susah dapat ikannya dan sensasinya kurang mantap. Serta agak susah lengketnya ke cumi, sehingga harus di reel-in pelan-pelan bak ngelayanin pacar, sehingga ogut posisikan di nomer 2.
2. Small selar is the best bait choice, but due to effort put in fishing the fish and the lack of sensation during the strike, I have to put it in no.2
3. Capella Daido squid jig tiger - dengan harga hanya Rp.9.000 per ekor, merupakan budget capella dengan strike rate lumayan tinggi khususnya di KTM. Cuman kalo sama yang Yo-Zuri made in Japan ini, agak susah apabila dipakai bersebelahan.
3. Daido squid jig tiger- with it selling price at only each, it was the most budget egi with high strike rate, especially at KTM. It is just when put along side with Yo-Zuri, I just have to put this aside.
4. Capella Angler's Pal - dengan warna yang attractive dan lumayan balance di air.
4. Angler's Pal - with its attractive color and balance under water, it produced quite some squid that night.
5. Live bait ikan srinding - bau amisnya menyengat dan lumayan bagus apabila tidak ada yang lain di atas.
5. Srinding (I just don't know its name in english) - it is a very stink fish and it can create quite a number of aero squid if all the above are not present.
6. Capella Morigen - mengecewakan, cuman dikejar tapi gak dimakan.
6. Morigen Jig - disappointing. The squid followed it but don't even want to touch it.
7. Capella abal-abal - silakan anda yang menilai...
7. other brands - you judge it

the fishing rod was meant to fish squid not to fish human

face as sour as sour plum due to the tiny size of the squid

A darlie smile when a big one strike. So, don't be sad first.

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